About Raven Lab

This moment calls for bold action.
Although the Dobbs decision created chaos and uncertainty, it has also provided an enormous opportunity to design and implement a bold, innovative strategy rooted in the values of justice and liberation.

Our goal is to make compromise unthinkable as a long-term approach. 

Raven Lab for Reproductive Liberation will serve as an incubator of authentic and values-based strategy to build sustainable expansive policy solutions that leave nobody behind.

Raven Lab’s work spans the reproductive health, rights, and justice fields, with vision and values that support and shape policy and legal strategies. With lived expertise in abortion policy and provision, we will develop public campaigns using messaging informed by new opinion polling, research findings, and our extensive experience communicating with patients, partners, and collaborators. Field, electoral, and political efforts of allies will be aligned toward a shared values-based strategy to achieve truly liberated abortion.

Most importantly, we will foster unwavering support and commitment of thought leaders, activists, major organizations, and funders.